Max. 10 Airbill, splitted by row |

Worldwide Document Express (DOX)
Service design for delivering papers work, business agreement, invoice or other sort of it.
Worldwide Package Express (WPX)
Design to fulfill your need to delivery any goods that categorizes as sample to your customers, relative or business partners.
Door to Door Service (DTD)
Service where we delivery the good to the consignee front door. Suitable for small and light shipment, but also fit for heavy shipment
Door to Port (DTP)
Service where we delivery the good to the destination country port where the consignee can pick it up or point they own broker to handle the clearance for them. Suitable for heavy shipment.
Domestic Express (DOM)
GE also providing you the Domestic Express Service for your shipment to all over Indonesia.
For more information about our product and service, please contact our Customer Service at
(62-21) 727 41110 or 0815 8411 4555